Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We are officially done!

Our plan was unanimously approved by the Board of Commissioners - so we are done! Now, we just sit back and wait for the County to show up and install the measures...

Sunday, January 17, 2010


I have no time to Blog about all the details (and there are lots!), but all that matters is that the plan passed the neighborhood vote! And it passed with more than the required number of signatures. So now we wait for the Board of Commissioners to give their final approval and then we wait for the measures to be installed...hopefully that will be during or even before the Summer of 2010.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Geez. Where did the summer go? Sorry it's been awhile since this blog has been updated. But rest assured, the committee has been hard at work! Everything you need to know is now on the Huntley Hills Neighborhood Association Website. You'll find the proposed plan and lots of FAQ questions. 

The Committee will be presenting the proposed traffic-calming plan to the neighborhood on September 15th (7pm) at Chamblee United Methodist Church. This will provide everyone with another opportunity to ask any questions and comment on the plan. If no further changes are in order, DeKalb County will present our plan to the Board of Commissioners for vote on September 22nd. If the Commissioners approve the plan, we will then have 90 days to get 65% of homeowners in the affected area to sign a "yes" petition.    

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Updated Plan!

During the last 5 months, our Traffic Calming Committee has been meeting with neighbors and getting everyone's opinions. We've now had 7 (seven!) neighborhood meetings and it's been a lot of work. After all the feedback, we have reached the conclusion that we need to focus efforts on the biggest problem areas only. We also need to implement a variety of options, strategically placed, such that the traffic conditions will improve and neighbors will be as minimally impacted as possible.

So with that in mind, here's the basics of what the draft plan includes:

** Traffic circles at the intersection of Ellwyn/Longview and Admiral/Longview (on the N. Shallowford end). See picture.
** Bike lanes on both sides of Longview (b/w 3-5 ft wide). Stripping lanes on a portion of Admiral (from Chamblee Dunwoody to Plantation).
** A traffic island on Longview, close to Admiral, on the Peachtree Blvd. end.
** Minimal traffic tables on Longview (4-5) and Admiral (2-3 from Chamblee Dunwoody to Plantation only) and Plantation (1-2) and Ellwyn (1-2).

We still have a long way to go in the process and the County will ultimately determine what is possible, based on engineering guidelines (see previous blogs).

Monday, March 23, 2009

A Note from a Concerned Grandfather...

If you have recently noticed some activity in Huntley Hills involving people out measuring streets and looking at manholes etc., I find out this is going to be potentially a big help for our neighborhood. It’s part of a move by a small group of souls to begin to make Huntley Hills a friendlier place to raise our families. In co-operation with the County they are preparing a plan for presentation at a neighborhood meeting for discussion of the location of some traffic calming measures…the first step in making our streets and yards safer for the growing number of young families in the neighborhood. And no, this is not going to mean those big “speed bumps” of the past, but a mix of friendlier ways to make our streets safer. To help this group with their efforts or for more information contact any board member of the Huntley Hills Neighborhood Association (www. Huntley hills.net) or email the traffic calming committee at huntleyhills@gmail.com. They could use your help.

- A concerned grandfather in Huntley Hills